A review by bibliophile90
More Than Words by Mia Sheridan


**ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review**


4.5 stars

"Live fiercely and without regret."

I am a huge fan of Mia Sheridan's writing and storytelling, I'll blindly one-click her books because I trust her to deliver great stories with even greater characters. The blurb gives you just enough to intrigue and capture your attention. I was addicted to this story from beginning until end. I absolutely loved how Jessie and Callen met. They met at the perfect time, and provided each other with the best memories and support. Especially, Callen would profit the most from meeting Jessie at that certain time in his life. They both come from broken homes but have made the best out of their situations. The attraction between them is obvious when they meet again years later.

"I wanted a man who would fight for me, who would slay dragons for me, and whose love I could count on to be as steady and unchanging as the stars."

What I love the most about this story was the strong connection and love between Jessie and Callen. When these two were together, everything else faded away. They were in their own world and I loved seeing them discovering each other again. I also absolutely enjoyed reading all the historical bits, involving Jessie's job. It just added an extra layer to the story, it was just a pleasant addition to the story for someone who loves anything History related like myself. There was enough individual character development, and I also loved how the characters grew as a couple. The writing was phenomenal like always, and I just couldn't get enough of Jessie and Callen. I can't wait to see what Mia Sheridan has in store for us next.

"Sometimes the beginning of love is just a simple matter of proximity."