A review by readerintheruemorgue
Terror Town by James Roy Daley


3/5 Stars ⭐️

Terror Town was a very interesting read. And, like the quote on the back of the book says, it is certainly not for the faint of heart. There was a lot of gore; I mean, a lot. Maybe a little too much. It felt like the author just came up with whatever sick thing popped inside his head and wrote it down like word vomit. You start with the discovery of creepy spider/crab things and then the story just keeps escalating from there. Throw in a deranged serial killer and some zombies, and you’ve got yourself a good horror novel. Seriously, the story doesn’t stop, which is probably why I liked it so much. It was very creepy and some parts made me hold my breath and have to look away. Overall, it was a great horror read, and my only two problems with it were the amount of gratuitous gore and the editing. There were so many spelling mistakes and missed words that it sometimes took away from my enjoyment of the book. But, it was good and I would recommend it to serious horror lovers. Just make sure you have a strong stomach.