A review by plottrysts
All About Love by Stephanie Laurens


We're back to the basics with the final book of the Bar Cynster (those are the 6 hottest rakish cousins rampaging through the ton in case you were wondering). The last of these hotties, Lucifer Cynster, just happens to visit his old friend and mentor on the day said friend and mentor is heinously MURDERED. In what might be the most batshit of all first chapters, Lucifer discovers a dead body, gets accidentally whacked over the head with a medieval halberd by someone who is NOT the murderer, and then experiences the most transcendent cheek caress of his life before falling into the deep, deep darkness of his thoughts. When he wakes up, he's in jail, being rescued by Phyllida (she of the sweet virgin angel cheek caress).

By the time you reach the end of the book, you've read about:
*Several near-death experiences including strangulation, incineration, and poker-coshing;
*Getting hot and heavy in the shrubbery;
*Getting undressed with the assistance of your dude's cavalry saber (we're talking about the real sword here);
*Catching a murderer;
*Getting married!

And if you've read all of the previous Bar Cynster entries, you get a sweet li'l epilogue tying up all of our couples with a cute red bow.

5-Word Summaries:

Laine: Corpse Adjacent Caress and Millinery

Meg: Marriage? Nah. Oh, hi, Phyllida…
