A review by fifteenthjessica
The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller

Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
DNF at about 25%.

I found the characters, structure, and prose unpleasant. If you're on the fence, read the first chapter and then decide (based on the 5 stars reviews on Goodreads, there were people who liked the things I disliked). Just be warned that there are scenes of child sexual abuse and some animal deaths. The former provides some character context, but the latter is flat out gratuitous.

The majority of the cast is horrible people who I couldn't find enough redeeming qualities for to keep reading. This is a contemporary romance, yet I find myself wondering why the main character, Elle, is attracted to either of her love interests (her childhood friend Jonas and her husband Peter) and why they are attracted to her. Elle's PoV is one of the most passive-aggressive and bitterly miserable ones I've ever read. Jonas is my personal least favorite. He admits to telling Elle he was over her after introducing her to his now-wife just to hurt her feelings and (WARNING: mention of sexual assault)
then proceeds to finger her while she asks him not to because she's worried their spouses will see them.
Not to imply Peter is a prize, he's very inconsiderate and at one point laughs when their teenage son calls her the b word, but the other two set a really low bar for likability.

The book flits between the 24 or so hours after Elle sleeps with Jonas and the childhoods of Elle and her mother. Most of the flashbacks are unpleasant events from both childhoods, and while they certainly explain why these two in particular are so unpleasant (although, honestly, Elle seemed quite unpleasant as a child), half the time they seem irrelevant to the present day events (WARNING: mention of animal death and nudity)
Did we need the scene where Elle and her sister watch their mom's boyfriend flush a baby alligator down a toilet? How about the family friend and his new wife strolling around naked in front of children right after sex?

The prose, probably my least favorite part, is a mix of winding, metaphor-laden descriptions and moments that are included to give a sense of realism but that I found uncomfortable. Like yes, an ant would crawl on someone's nipple if that person laid naked somewhere that had ants, but why do the readers need to know that?

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