A review by octagonal
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini


I really enjoyed reading this one. I had bought it back when Jenny told me I would like it, then I promptly forgot about its existence. So it was pretty fun when I actually started reading, because I couldn't remember what it was about. Of course, it doesn't take too long to figure out the plot when characters with names like Hector, Ariadne, Helen and Jason (among others) are all hanging out. BUT the point is, it was pretty entertaining!

It had many of the typical eyeroll-inducing things that this genre tends to have: Super fast romance, extra special princess powers, too pretty to exist people, etc. But whatever, I don't normally care, and I still don't. It works, and I love cheesiness.

One thing that saddened me though, was the end, where
Spoilerthey had to go and make sure the audience knew Lucas and Helen weren't related. Nooo! This ruins the angst! At least leave me guessing, all Jace/Clary-style. I mean, the reader would assume they aren't related, and we'd find out eventually, but I imagine there is lots of "Omg we can't be together because GENETICS!" in the next one, and that angst won't be nearly as fun if I know that they, you know, aren't. BOO
. So that was a thing. But otherwise, fun to read, HECTOOOORRRRRRR, and yay pretty cover.