A review by charlote_1347
Dangerously Mine by A.M. Griffin


'Dangerously Mine' is the first 'for-pleasure' book I've let myself read in a while and I kind of wish I'd chosen something else. It was recommended by Amazon and I figured I'd take a chance on it.

My initial impression was positive. I liked the premise and the first chapter was well-written - generic and cliché but enjoyable nonetheless. I've come across a few books in this genre that pitch the main female protagonist as a trained fighter but I think Griffin managed it better than most. She avoided being vague in the fight scenes and actually came across as if she'd done her research.

Eva's backstory was tragic, I will admit, but it would have been nice not to have such an emphasis on it. Her desperation for a home and a family overshadowed the rest of her past- it was mentioned, for example, that she trained as a nurse. Something that important should have been integral to the plot.

The relationship between Eva and Taio was predictable. I enjoyed some of the dialogue but their lack of chemistry was off-putting. Making a male protagonist big and strong doesn't automatically give them sex appeal and I think some authors don't realise that.

I'm not interested in the rest of the series but if one of the blurbs catches my attention...who knows?