A review by siobhan27
Sleep No More by Aprilynne Pike


Mysteries are my thing. I love reading them because I find I reads faster so that I can figure out who the mystery person is. And that is why I think I liked Sleep No More by Aprilynne Pike so much, because I honest did not figure out who the killer was until after the reveal, and to me that is the mark of a great mystery. If you foll your readers into suspecting everyone in the book then woot! your job is done.

I have read any books by Aprilynne and the one thing that I think I love about her books is that they always have an element of fun and they are always extremely fast paced, so you read it extremely fast. Sleep No More did not waver from that because I loved the writing style, it was simple yet fast paced, and I loved that Charlotte was so likable but I honestly thought that her character could have done a lot more in depth because I felt like we only saw one side of her. Actually I thought that a lot of the character could have been more in depth, especially Charlotte's aunt who was so important to the story yet non existent throughout the book. I thought that if she was more present throughout the story than maybe the end would be been better in a way.

The reveal at the end of who the killer really was did come as sort of a shock but honestly it wasn't as surprising as it could have been. I felt like after that person was revealed then everything happened so fast that I had to reread some parts in order to get what happened. I felt like I did not have enough time to process certain information before more was dumped on me. I just wish that all the reveals were either spread out over time or that the reveal of the killer was slower.

What I really loved about this book was the Greek Mythology aspect, because we all know I am a sucker for all things Mythological. Oracles are aspects of Greek mythology that is most used, and I really loved the way Aprilynne used the seeing of the future to create this murder mystery that seemed to tie into this subject so well. I think that was my favorite part of the entire book was the fact that Charlotte could see the future and what would happen but had no idea how to stop the murders from happening. It was a great tension builder.

Overall I thought that this book was very entertaining and I thought the mystery aspect was great to read. But the characters could have been more in depth and that the end of the book could have been paced a bit better. But anyone who loves a good mystery will love this book!