A review by pjonsson
Warrior King by Evan Currie


Evan Currie is an author that sits fairly high on my list of favorite authors. His Odyssey One and Hayden War Cycle series are definitely two of my favorite military science fiction series.

Warrior King is more or less picking up where the previous book left off. Humanity is in full rebuild after the Drasin invasion and now they are combining Priminae and Human technologies to build some kick-ass hardware. They might not be flying around in the biggest baddest ships in the universe but the bad guys are about to get some nasty surprises nonetheless.

Speaking of the bad guys, we have some new ones coming up in this book. Well new from a human perspective at least. This brings me to something l really like with this book. Not only Eric but also the human leadership realizes that there is only one way to deal with the Drasin threat . . . extermination! So Eric is more or less given carte blanche to do just that. No moral preaching, whining or political nonsense. Just go out there , find some bugs and stomp on them!

Sounds like a pretty straightforward story right? Go out there and do some pest control. Well luckily the story is a little bit more complex than that. Our new foes are perhaps not as totally new as one might believe at first and the Priminae might have a skeleton or two hidden in the wardrobe.

Having said that a good part of the book is dedicated to space combat. The story alternate quite a lot between the human view and the new main adversaries. l quite liked this since it meant that we both got quite a bit of background and also a firsthand view when our side proved not to be quite the pushover that the other side expected.

Evan Currie generally writes well and this book is no exception. It was a pleasure to follow Captain Weston again as well as the other characters again.

I would say that this book has opened up a new chapter in the Odyssey One overall story and this first glimpse definitely gives me a taste for more.