A review by esthery_rn
Sew in Love by Jacquolyn McMurray, Debby Lee, Darlene Panzera


I love novella collections. The shorter length of each story is perfect for when you want a quick read. I usually find that I like two or three of the four stories within a collection. This rings true for the four stories within this collection.

Hearts Sewn with Love by Darlene Panzera and Woven Hearts by Jacquolyn McMurray were both good, quick reads. I appreciated the different aspects of the historical settings of each. I found myself slightly frustrated with all the main characters at times. This could have been because both authors attempted to fit a novel-length timeline into a novella, therefore character development was a bit rushed. But both stories were enjoyable and perfect for a relaxing afternoon read. (On their own, I’d give each story 3-stars.)

A Language of Love by Kimberley Woodhouse was my favorite of the four stories. I loved the linguistics study due to racism. The protagonists had depth and were relatable. The antagonist was a surprising joy. Oh, racism! It splits nations, communities, and families. Kimberley Woodhouse is a great author. This was a good story! (I’d give it 4-stars)

I did not really enjoy the final story, Tailored Sweethearts by Debby Lee. The characters felt rushed and flat. The timeline felt choppy. (I’d give it 2-stars.) But when I’m reading a collection of novellas I don’t expect to fall in love with each story. This one does not detract from the overall collection too much.

Overall, I give this collection 3-stars.

I follow the GoodReads rating system. Please note that this means even the 3-star books are ones I liked.
1 star – didn’t like it
2 stars – it was OK
3 stars – liked it
4 stars – really liked it
5 stars – it was amazing; I’ll read it over and over and/or it will impact my daily life.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. I was not required to give a positive review. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own.