A review by skylarkblue1
The Whispers by Heidi Perks

Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
1 word. Awful.

I forgot very quickly that the characters were meant to be adults. They all acted like petulant school children who had nothing better to do in the day except argue about who's the better friend. Descriptions where incredibly basic and barely descriptions at all, pretty much nothing at all was happening and it was all just so completely unbelievable with how wild all the characters actions were.

Read this for a bookclub, and we all could barely remember anything that happened, it was just so forgettable. None of us liked it, and from those who did finish it the ending was pretty bad as well and didn't make up for the rest of the book.

Only good thing about this book is the opening reminded me of Broadchurch and now I think I'll go watch that again to remember how this kind of story is actually done well.