A review by randikaye
Looking for Leroy by Melody Carlson


Looking for Leroy is a bit different from most books in the romance genre in that the romantic leads didn't meet each other (or re-meet, as the case may be) until probably over halfway through the story. As such, we didn't really get to see them together as a couple as much as I would typically like... and I admit I did find myself wishing there was a bit more of that... Still, there was something about that anticipation of when they would bump into one another that certainly kept me turning the pages to see how it would all play out. Second chance romances are some that I have always really enjoyed, and this was certainly no exception. Beyond that, I adored the beautiful picture Melody Carlson pained of this setting... As a non-drinker, I can't say that visiting a vineyard has ever been high on my list of things I wanted to experience, but this book certainly might have changed that with its beautiful descriptions of the landscape and the serenity of it all. While I cannot say this has been my favorite from this author, it certainly was a quick and enjoyable read that I would highly recommend to fans of clean romance!

** I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own.