A review by kristid
You Just Can't Get Enough by Cecily Von Ziegesar, Annabelle Vestry


How can something so wrong.... be so much fun!

I was never interested in reading Gossip Girl, which is why I’ve never read the first series and I’ve never watched the television show. I’d actually like to watch the tv show, but for some reason my satellite doesn’t get that channel! Anyway... like I said I never had an interest to read the Gossip Girls series. I assumed they would be some pathetic pieces of trashy literature. Cat fights, drama, shallow people... why would I want to read about that? Uh... because it’s addicting and fun that’s why!

I am addicted. I love the cat fight, the drama and the shallow people! It’s just like high school, but better because I don’t have to witness all that shit personally. I can turn it off when I want to. And really the writing isn’t trashy at all, the characters... maybe, but not the writing.

Again like with Poseur all the trendy name dropping doesn’t do anything for me and really I don’t care what they are wearing. I just want to know who’s with whom and who’s pissed off about it. I like it steamy, I like it dirty. Yeah, I said I like it dirty.

You know you love me,
The Story Siren