A review by celinbean
The Gilded Wolves, by Roshani Chokshi


This is difficult. I was really looking forward to this one and im actually mildly disappointed. There was just something that was missing this whole time. I was still gonna give it 3,5 stars and round it up to 4 but then the ending happened and that did it for me tbh. I thought the death was so unnecessary? Or at least so anticlimactic after everything they went through. Like i was more looking forward to them working through their trauma than just being killed off. Also what happened to the killer? It was never mentioned again. And then one of my trope pet peeves is when someone tries to distance themselves from someone who so Obviously has the same romantic feelings as they have simply “to protect themselves” like i never get that logic and i always thought of it as completely unnecessary conflict. So i was majorly disappointed with the ending.

And on top of that the narrators of the audiobook annoyed the crap out of me. The women was okay but the man narrated it like a documentary. And not even a good one. And the french accent was so bad. Like i mean im not a native but i did have french in school for like 7-8 years and im pretty sure the “e” at the end of Enrique is silent. Anyway im just really disappointed but the idea behind it is so cool 😩