A review by jsanders05
Beautiful Wild by Anna Godbersen


I skimmed. A lot. Not entirely proud of that, but if I didn’t I’m afraid I never would have finished this novel.

I received it in a Spearcraft Book Box subscription kit. First time trying this small company, and this was the first book I got. I REALLY hope the next 5 books are better. I mean, they have to be!

First off, WHEN is this book set? 1900’s, 1890’s? 1910’s? Electricity was around, and Hawaii was a territory so that means at least 1890. (Had to Google that.) The book is written in such a modern way, but everything else is so confusing. I wish the author would have told us the time period of when this happened. Would have helped out SO much. Instead I spent the entire Part 1 trying to figure out what the hell I was reading.

The descriptions. never. stop. I get it, the island is pretty. The men are pretty. Your dress is pretty. Some decent vocab words in novel tho; I always enjoy that.

Character development is weak. It feel like less space could have been used explaining the dinnerware and more explaining emotions and reasoning. It’s a simple novel. Good if you like fluff. And of course the super happy ending. (No, that’s not a spoiler.) Almost a rip-off of Titanic fan fiction.

Eh. The time on the island was slightly entertaining. I had to treat this book a lot like homework to get it done. The characters are just so freaking boring. Just not my scene, I suppose.