A review by judyward
I See You Everywhere by Julia Glass


I read Three Junes by the same author and really like it. But this book, not so much. Many of the same themes are revisited--a mother who loves dogs and who favors one daughter over the other, cancer, a vague and absent father. The book is told over a 25 year period and each section is told in the voice of one of the two sisters--Clem or Louisa. In some sections, it was difficult to figure out which sister was speaking until they spoke about a specific incident in their lives. I found that I really didn't like either sister much which didn't help. Apparently the book's theme is that even if you are not close to your sister because of life experiences or personality differences, your life is totally intertwined with hers forever. And I thought that I wanted a sister--based on this book, maybe not.