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Tasting Red by Holly Roberds


This book exceeded my expectations!!

This book is very loosely based on Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma, Red, and the Wolf are all big parts of the story. But the twist on each character and how it all pulled together is so perfect! Not only do I enjoy that Red is a spitfire and doesn’t take anyone’s shit, but the wolf constantly pushes her buttons just to find her limits.

The story was sneaky.. you knew both sides but I found myself loving Red’s side more than the Wolf’s. And his odd protectiveness of her is icing on the cake. Red has had a hard life growing up but it has only made her stronger, and she defends all that are hers. Family and friends.

This book also has surprise characters pop in from other fairytales. I totally would read the books based off of her friends as well.. just saying.. lol

This is a highly recommended read to readers who enjoy books based off of fairytales. I wouldn’t call it Dark Romance.. but it’s close.