A review by bdietrich
Rocket Salvage, by Yehudi Mercado, Bachan


Rocket Salvage is more comic book than graphic novel, despite the fact that the story is contained within this one volume, rather than multiple issues published sequentially. It's the story of Primo and his two "kids" Beta and Zeta. Primo used to be a famous racer on the Rio Rojo planet, but in a devastating crash, he was badly injured and multiple other racers were killed. Some 10 years later, he and his kids are on the run and in the running for saving Rio Rojo from the feuding Galactic Republic and Republic of Galaxies because the most powerful weapon is hidden on Rio Rojo. Will they find the weapon in time and will they be able to save Rio Rojo and defeat the GR and ROG scum?

Rocket Salvage is a fun idea: clones, robots, space, aliens. I especially like the idea of the original and his two clones being a family: dad and kids/siblings. However, the execution of the story arc was poor. The plot was flat the entire time: adrenaline-coursing and do-or-die the entire time gets old fast. In addition, the lead-up to the reveal of the weapon is limited. It's just "there's a weapon" > "no one knows where it is" > "the weapon is [spoiler]." Maybe it seemed too fast to this reader who is used to and prefers novels over graphic novels. The reveal *is* faster and is *supposed* to be faster because of the difference in mediums. Maybe? Either way, I imagine Rocket Salvage will appeal to a certain audience only, and that audience is not me.