A review by whateveryoneelseisreading
The Passengers You Cannot See by The Behrg


I received an ARC of this book thanks to NetGalley and publisher Pricks Like Thorn media in exchange for an honest review.

I've read quite a lot of horror anthologies recently. I'm going to be honest, this one didn't really stand out. That might seem harsh but it's not necessarily a bad thing. The stories in this collection for the most part were fine. Some were really good-Kill Your Darlings for example is a fantastic story about an author who pushes the whole 'write what you know' thing too far. Still Born was a heart-breaking and chilling tale about a couple dealing with the title topic. But putting those two aside, the other stories in this collection are just sort of all right. There was only one I actively disliked and that was due to me not being able to cope with the content (Scabs if you're curious). I definitely think this collection is worth a read and the author is clearly talented when it comes to themes. It lacks many of the problems I've had with previous anthologies and it's just a shame that more of the stories didn't blow me away.

Overall Rating: 3/5 stars