A review by poorashleu
Invisibility by Andrea Cremer


After two months. I'm DNF it. review to come.

Originally posted at yAdult Review

I tried. I tried to read this book for three months. That is not a good sign. Finally I decided that I had had enough and I was not going to finish it. Which goes against everything I believe in. It pains me to not finish a book, which I think is why I tried for three months to finish this. At the end of the day I couldn’t care about Stephen or Elizabeth. No really, I couldn’t. It got to the point where I couldn’t remember the characters names or what was going on in the story.

When I read certain books I tend to take notes for when I review later on. Even with notes I couldn’t really figure out what was going on. There was a pivotal point in the novel and I started to skim because I was like “will this ever go on?”

I’m not saying I never skim, I do. But I generally start to skim because I’m so excited I can’t wait to see what happens. This was very much a skim in the sense that I no longer cared and just wanted the book to be done.

Sorry Invisibility, it isn’t you, it’s me.