A review by sch91086
The Forsaken Throne, by Jeff Wheeler


Releases tomorrow: November 14, 2017!!

I actually read this a couple weeks ago and never posted the review because I’ve been so busy with work. I’ve read all six of Wheeler’s Kingfountain books this year and honestly, not a single one disappointed. I’m not sure if this is the last intended Kingfountain book, but I really hope it’s not!

This is the conclusion to Trynne’s story and it was full of highs and lows. Nothing is ever as it seems and I was kept on my toes by every turn of events. At many points in this story I was left wondering: “How the heck will Trynne get out of this?” Luckily, though it seems all of Kingfountain is against her, she has a few friends to help her out.

The writing is beautiful and concise. Wheeler doesn’t waste words or pages. He gives you exactly what is needed. I have an emotional investment in almost all of these characters and that is the true gift in his writing, he really knows how to make you care. None of them are perfect. They are layered and complex and make hard decisions that don’t always pan out the way you might want or expect them too.

The action is paced well and balanced with the slower parts where Trynne is traveling. Did I mention she dual wields swords? She dual wields swords. Seriously, I have yet to find another character as awesome as Trynne.

This is not a standalone, so if you have not yet read The Queen’s Poisoner start with that. It has a different feel to it then the books that come later because the hero is an 8 year old boy, but I promise there is never a dull moment and it remains my favorite in the series. I cannot recommend this series enough to other fantasy lovers.

Thank you to NetGalley and 47North for providing an eARC for me to review.