A review by ktxx22
All the Living and the Dead by Hayley Campbell


I won’t soon forget this book and the careful way Haley crafted this piece of nonfiction. As someone who reads a lot of “death” centric nonfiction because it makes me feel more comfortable with my mortality this is the first time one has focused a decent portion on children, babies, their parents, and the folks who care for the bereaved families. While this portion of the book had me sobbing I can honestly say it’s the part that will have me recommending this book regularly. So many folks are touched by death and instead of being intimately involved with the dead (which research shows helps with the grieving process) it’s a behind closed door, hush hush, secretive situation. And I’m done with that. I will be present. I will sit in grief and I will play an active roll in handling of my loved ones (as much as I’m legally able to) with any future deaths. Plans will be in place for our future deaths so that things will pan out as we desire, regardless what an individual person chooses for their body post mortem.

If you are a person who has a lot of anxiety about death I would encourage you to seek out nonfiction books about the process and the folks who manage it. I know it’s given me a lot of peace.