A review by novelesque_life
Libertie by Kaitlyn Greenidge


2021; Algonquin Books

I have had my eye on this book since I first heard about it from the publisher. The gorgeous cover had me approving this request without even reading the synopsis. At one of the virtual publisher luncheons I attended, Libertie was spotlighted. Learning that this story was based on two real life characters heightened my anticipation. I started reading this novel last week, and at first was so enthralled with the story, I savoured it slowly. I would reread sentences, and stop and imagine scenes in my mind. This is my first work by Greenidge and it is so well written, rich with details and characters akin to Toni Morrison's writing. I loved seeing the world through Libertie's eyes. How her light skin doctor mother saved lives and started to turn into a realistic women with flaws. Her awe of her mother's healing, making her want to her follow her footsteps, and then see the world as she steps into the academic world. When Libertie returns home after some time in school, the novel started to fall apart for me. Her time in Haiti soon was just a read and no longer an adventure. It is this reason I gave the novel 3.5 rounded up to 4 stars. I wanted more of Brooklyn and her mother's story, and what becomes of them all. I felt like the ending of the novel, left me with more questions about everything. That could just be my nosy side of wanting clear cut answers. I also did not care for Emmanuel or his family, so maybe that's what made the latter half more of a chore. After reading this book, I will try anything by Greenidge, just for a taste of her words. For someone that loves lyrical prose writing, this was a good book. I would recommend this one because I think no matter what kind of reader goes into the story, they will leave it feeling like they gained something.

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***