A review by crookedtreehouse
Unity Volume 4: The United by Matt Kindt, Joshua Dysart


Marvel books, in particular, like to, from time to time, show you early 20th century era superhero teams whose adventures are then tied into the modern stories. The Howling Commandos, Avengers 1942, First X-Men. The stories usually take place in WWI or WWII and feature a team where at least one character usually dies.

Kindt does a verson of that story here to kick off Volume 4 of Unity, and I didn't enjoy it. I don't feel like it added anything to the story, I had no investment in the characters, and their storyarc here didn't make me wish I could spend more time with them.

Once we moved into the more modern story, I felt it improved. Though there were some wonky art choices where someone just upped a thumbnail image as opposed to using the high res art, and there's a page or two that looks completely 8-bit pixellated. But, ultimately, this story introduces a new team of bad guys and a new member of the team, and it all makes sense and wraps up as a nice little adventure.

If you're already a Valiant fan who enjoys seeing familiar faces cross into new teams (a la Beast joining The Avengers in the 70s or Batman Beyond joining the future Justice League) then this book should be an absolute blast for you.