A review by scythefranz
Until the Beginning by Amy Plum


"It's a no-man's-land between two epic stories. After the end of one . . . until the beginning of the next."

If I'm being honest I love this book less compared to its predecessor. I don't know why but it felt like something has been lost. Something that I can't explain. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed reading this book. So much. I still adored the main characters Juneau and Miles and their chemistry. These two really clicked with each other. I giggled whenever they are teasing and throwing banters. Hahaha.

There are just some few events or actions that seemed forced and rushed between Juneau and Miles. Besides, even if the first few chapters weren't boring or a snoozefest, it felt like nothing much happened on those chapters, just the main character being angsty and such and it became, in my opinion, a way to insert some romantic scenes that weren't necessary. Or maybe it was, but anyway.

I admit, I'm rooting for some intense action; luckily, I got it. Even it wasn't that epic, I thought I still enjoyed it and gave me the jitters. And, of course, I also got answers, woo-hoo! Some clarification of the truth about the mystery in this book that I didn't get on the first book. Ah yes, it still came down to science but the author made a senseful philosophical statement about the old ways. That I found meaningful and remarkable.

As a whole, Until the Beginning fulfill my satisfaction and it brought me to a great and exhilarating adventure of unique abilities, truth-seeking, science, lies, the old ways, nature, family, love and friendship.

The question is: Is that Four and Tris on the cover?