A review by jmanchester0
Cyborg, Vol. 1: Unplugged by David F. Walker


I was just thinking about how the aliens seemed like Borg, when Cyborg says, "Is this where you tell me resistance is futile?"

Ha! So at least the writers let us know they were aware of the connection.

But still, while the jokes are kind of amusing, the writing just left me a bit "meh".

Overall it was an interesting idea. But did I need to read about Cyborg's origin to understand what was going on? Where did he get his tech, and how did that all fit in??

Too much was happening - action was all over the place. Sometimes it's hard to follow what the aliens are doing. And when the action is confusing mediocre writing doesn't help.

I like the overriding storyline about Vic's humanity. And I'm really curious about where this is going, but I'm not sure if I would keep reading.

Thanks to NetGalley and DC Comics for a copy in return for an honest review.