A review by chessakat
Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs by Marcia Williams


This is a great, engaging book of myths and history of Ancient Egypt. Written half comic, half narrative style (the story told below the panes of illustrations, with some dialogue happening within the panes), it was entertaining and informative for me and my 7-year-old son. Right before reading it, we had read a chapter in [b:Ancient Times: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor|225951|Ancient Times From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor|Susan Wise Bauer|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1348956523s/225951.jpg|292232] about Egyptian Gods, and so it was interesting to then reread the story (Osiris and Set and the coffin) and to see two very different versions of the same story! Great opportunity to talk about how myths vary.

If you liked [b:Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Ancient Egypt|207262|Ms. Frizzle's Adventures Ancient Egypt|Joanna Cole|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1328861831s/207262.jpg|200599], you will like this book. It has the same artistic style and sense of humor, with a little more focus and less dialogue overall.