A review by bums
Children of Albion Rovers, by Laura Hird, James Meek, Paul Reekie


Children of Albion Rovers - 3/5

Classic Scottish anthology've novellas fae the nation's up-in-coming scribblers've the 90s.

Pop Life - Gordon Legge - 2/5

Ah fine storie fae Gordon Legge ae aboot the lives've 3 vinyl junkies tryin tae reconnect affer sae lang apart. Serves is, sumwit predictable, purpose, if nae veery memorable in is execution.

After the Vision - Alan Warner - 4/5

Probably ma second favourite've the collection, ah drunken, drug-fuelled ramble across Glasgae wae plenty've starnge feuks aroond. Really enjoyed the 'haziness've it', wae aw the different people dippin in an oot've the storie it aw times an the weird shite they git up tae while they're there. Does sorta feel lik an exerpt fae ah larger piece though.

The Brown Pint of Courage - James Meek - 3/5

Ah fine tale, wis weird bit didnae have the same sorta dream lik quality've Alan Warner's storie previous. Gleeful authoritarian traffic wardens piss aff feuk and tak bribes aw while dealing wae their sexual predator commandant boss and relationship issues. A lik'd it bit it didnae feully hit the strangeness spot fir me.

Submission - Paul Reekie - 1/5

Really didnae lik tis wan. A rambly leuk intae sumwans letters tae a freind. It desnae gae onny were n mainly gaes aff intae talking aboot sum random poet r philosopher (which maks sense considering is a rambly letter bit it diesnae wurk in the storie). The wan bitty ah found interestin is the in storie shart in tha middle aboot the boy it school written be the protagonist's freind, aside fae tha, nuffin.

The Dilating Pupil Laura Hird - 4/5

Best storie aw the collection. Ah self-loathing bastard've a teacher tries tae get it awf wae wan av his receptive pupils n fails spectacularly. The shitey nature've iv the main character n (wit ah saw) the tricksy natur've the pupil gave the storie an interestin 'edge' tha the other stories were aw trying tae achieve. Sadly funny is weel.

The Rosewell Incident Irvine Welsh - 3.5/5

Funny storie fae Welsh've ah the local young team bein abducted be aliens afore they sendem tae rule the wurld. Is ah great premise, if strecht a little be the end, feu've great jokes. Bit padded tae wae sum no sae connected stories playing oot alangside the alien stuff. Those wir funny tae mind, jest wish they'd tied mair thegither it the end.

Report O'eraw

O'eraw, a fine wee collection've novellas thit reek've Scotland in the 90s. Wurth ah read if yeh come acrossem or are interested in Scottish counterculture writing fae the time.