A review by orionoconnell
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas


When reading this book around the time of the George Floyd protests, one might stop to think 'wow, this is eerily similar'. This is the book that should never have needed to be written, and yet is hard-hitting with truth and relevance to today's society.
Starr's voice was powerful and engaging, the narrative delivered heartbreak, fear, destruction, injustice and prejudice in a way that makes a boulder sink into your stomach, realising that this is the reality of Black America and police brutality. Realising how fucked up the world we live in is, and how much privilege falls upon people who are not a minority.
This book is not a light-hearted or easy read by a long shot. It deals with themes of trauma, grief, death, police brutality, gang violence, and racism. However, it also deals with a very strong and (forgive me, Starr) brave young woman who uses everything she has been through to rise to the occasion of a fight that she inherited just because of who she is, because of the colour of her skin.
Everyone should read this book with an open mind and heart. It is real, raw, relevant, powerful and page-turning. And, while you read it, if you're not a person of colour, if you have the privilege of white skin, don't just look at this as a work of fiction. Realise that this is the reality, and educate yourselves to speak up against racism and police brutality.