A review by helpfulsnowman
Captain America: Winter Soldier, Vol. 2 by Ed Brubaker


Well shit.
I thought I had this all figured out between a few library services and I could read a pretty good arc. But it turns out this is not the case, so I guess I'm once again calling it quits on ol' cappy cap cap.
I don't know how this all works, but libraries should probably hire like one comics dork to do the buying, or maybe hire one to look over the purchasing plan for the year, pay them like a contractor, a hit man, except instead of killing people, they make a plan to buy the comics for the year. So nothing like a hitman at all. Just a guy with a regular job, I guess.

I'd apply for this job. It'd be great! It's like a comics dork dream. Looking at someone's collections and pointing out the flaws? This is like every comics dork's favorite activities rolled into one.

I would buy that Howard the Duck movie prop jacket I saw on eBay as a celebratory new professional attire purchase, too.

It'd just be a better world all around, for everyone.