A review by northern_mint
Smax by Alan Moore


*TRIGGER WARNING* The story and review mention sexual assault.

Now for my review and hot take: comedies stories should not include scenes of sexual assault. This would be my biggest complaint about this story. It's tonally jarring to have two back-to-back dark gritty sexual assault and domestic violence scenes in the middle of what is otherwise a very light-hearted high-fantasy adventure parody.

I have another major issue with this comic; it has a lot on sex with a major focus on incest. It doesn't serve any purpose other than to make it clear Alan Moore doesn't want children to read this children's comic.

So aside from all of that, I think the comic works quite well. The overall story is pretty simple, but fun. The villain design is great. The jokes are a bit spotty, but there are a few gems.

So my final take is this is a 4-star comic that is mired by a bunch of dumb stuff because Moore can't help but troll his audiences.