A review by saluki
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison


Liked it but didn't love it.

Maia is half goblin, half elf and had been an exiled prince and secluded in childhood with only an abusive relative. Fast forward to an unexpected rise to the throne. Maia's concerns are navigating court politics, learning court customs and manners and trying to overcome his self-doubt and awkwardness in his new role. He's a thoughtful, just and fair new ruler and very likeable.

So, why didn't I love it as I'd expected to? The pace was slow... just a sliver of action that is over in a heartbeat and there isn't much plot either. It's a character study and a study of manners. And, the names. The names are too elaborate and jarring. And, everyone has a few names to boot! I got confused about characters several times and had to retrace... just annoying.

Overall, I liked the way Addison explored cultural prejudices within elven society, especially pronounced with manners and affectations, or open hatred, towards the grey skinned goblin emperor. The role of women is important for Maia too and he works against elven customs to implement some new laws and I felt touched by his care and concern for all his people.

Liked his Serenity immensely. Loved the court intrigue. But, I needed some action once I stopped tripping over my tongue trying to pronounce those names.