A review by iggnaseous
5-Minute Star Wars Stories by Stéphane Roux, Elizabeth Schaefer, Brooke Dworkin, Andy Schmidt, Trey King, Calliope Glass, Rebecca L. Schmidt


What's worse than a poorly-written and executed movie script? A book that re-hashes some of the movie scenes for children. Clearly, it's the Episodes I-III "stories" that are nauseating, through no fault of whichever Disney employees had the unfortunate task of adapting the material. There was an opportunity here to curb the cheese; instead the original dialogue is treated as gospel. Unfortunate. In terms or production quality, this book is well done. The art work is clean and inviting, even if sometimes cartoonish. It also sanitizes the scenes it does portray, e.g., you don't see the amputation of Dooku's hands. If you want to introduce a child to the Star Wars universe, there are better ways to do it.