A review by trin
Fake, Volume 1 by Sanami Matoh


My first yaoi! Aww. Here are my thoughts, which I’m sure you are dying to hear. ;-)

I…liked it? But didn’t love it? I mean, it’s very cute, but it’s so…well, immature. There’s an aside from the author at one point where she says, “Well, this is really a girls’ comic, anyway” and…yeah. That’s the problem for me. It’s clearly written with teen girls in mind, and while I must say that Japanese teen girls are TOTALLY AWESOME if this is what they like, I think I’ve outgrown it. Ryo and Dee, the two protagonists, may be employed as New York cops, and there may be fake splashes of cartoon blood from time to time, but the whole thing is so…fourteen years old. I mean, the guys are in love from minute one, and then there’s lots of kissing and “Oh my god! He kissed me!” And there are none of the (this is so lame) social issues I want from a two-cops-in-love story—everyone at the station is just, like, okay with this? *pouts* I want some angst and some grit, dude.

So basically what I’m saying is: I would rather be reading due South fic. Sigh.