A review by willwork4airfare
Why Men Marry Bitches: A Woman's Guide to Winning Her Man's Heart by Sherry Argov


A silly little book and a quick read. As a how to on getting a husband in a real relationship, I'm not sure how much I could endorse it, but it was interesting. I also can't claim to be surprised at seeing the r word used in a book from almost a decade ago that has "bitch" in the title. For all its dichotomizing gender and jokes about men being animals, there wasn't a lot of "nice girl" bashing so much as just explaining why they weren't getting the results they desired. I found myself identifying with the exclusively "male" perception of marriage from the author's perspective. At times, it could be downright empowering. In reality, I'd love for relationships between all people to be authentic and genuine, but if books like these can raise the standards of my insecure girlfriends and teach them the "bitch" attitude of being unapologetic about leaving situations where they're being disrespected, or just relationships that are no longer supporting them or serving their future, then I am all here for that.

I may have to check out her other book on "love" as opposed to specifically marriage because that just isn't my cup of tea. Take everything with a grain of salt, but the takeaway is learning how to love yourself and learn your own worth and never let that be defined for you or taken away from you.