A review by aoutrance
Dark Truth by Mariah Stewart


I added a half a star just for this small paragraph:
SpoilerThe night was split by an ungodly scream.

Jesus God, Wes prayed, what is he doing to her?

He increased his speed, the screams echoing in his ears. When he reached the boat, he pulled himself up onto the narrow diving platform that ran across the back and lifted himself onto the deck.

Nina stood in the doorway to the cabin, wearing a short tight skirt and high heels, a gun in her right hand, and the microphone for the boat’s radio in the other. On the deck, Kyle Stillman sobbed and writhed, blood pouring from between his hands, which were held to his face.

“What took you so long?” she said without turning around.

Without waiting for a response, she pointed to the radio. “You know how to use one of these? I’m trying to call the Coast Guard . . . “

THAT is how I like my heroines.