A review by cathepsut
The Incal Vol. 2: The Luminous Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky


I might have read this volume before, 30 or so years ago. I didn’t think so, but there were some panels that felt very familiar. Also, many of the images ring a bell. Perhaps because many of them have inspired other works...?

Crazy, contrasting colours on the same page. The artwork at times looks dated and then again amazing, flat and then dynamic.

Women are mostly bimbos in this, which is a bit annoying. Definitely not passing the Bechdel test. I am willing to cut it some slack, considering it was first published in 1982.

John DiFool does not make much of an impact. He is in the sidelines for much of it and when he does become involved, he is little more than a hand puppet.

Bottom line I am undecided if I really like it and if I think it‘s meh or genius. 3.75 wishy-washy stars...