A review by kayceeskidmore
No More Dragons: Get Free from Broken Dreams, Lost Hope, Bad Religion, and Other Monsters by Jim Burgen


In the summer of 2008, I heard Jim speak for a week at a youth conference. One morning as he was speaking, my life changed forever. I came home, was baptized and Jesus and I have been best pals ever since. In the years that followed, I heard Jim speak on a few more occasions. Stumbling upon this book took me back to sitting a gymnasium with my youth group during the best week of the summer. A lot of the stories were ones I had heard before, I teared up and laughed just the same as I did then. There were new stories too, that caused similar reactions. As always, I'm in awe at Jim's boldness to talk about the messy issues of life/faith and his ability to put faith and everything else that comes with following Jesus into simple, easy to grasp words and notions. I'm so, so happy I stumbled upon this.