A review by greeniezona
Easy Prey by Catherine Lo


A YA book that my thirteen-year-old checked out of the library and then insisted I read when he finished. Very of the moment -- the plot centers on sexting and social media and apps used for bullying and "nice guys." Told through jumps between two timelines, it is unraveling the mystery of who publicly shared revealing photos of a teacher, told through the point of view of the only three teens who should have had access to the photos -- Jenna, a girl whose life was upended a year ago when her own topless photos were shared, Drew, a jock and best friend of Jenna's ex, and "Mouse," a quiet blerd and long-time close friend of Jenna.

About two-thirds of the way through this book I became filled with the conviction that there was only one way this book could end that would make it "okay."
SpoilerThat's the way it ended. As it turns out Jenna leaked the photos -- crushing a teacher who was casually cruel to her in her own moment of humiliation. AND FRAMING THE TWO BOYS WHO LEAKED HER OWN PHOTOS AT THE SAME TIME. Very satisfying. I like that the book allowed for moral messiness -- showing us good sides to both Drew and Mouse, but absolutely not letting them off the hook for the fucked up shit they did to Jenna (and many other girls.)