A review by chrissireads
I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman


I really enjoyed Gayle Forman’s If I Stay and do need to read more of her books. When I heard about I Have Lost My Way I wanted to read it. It certainly sounded like my sort of thing.

I Have Lost My Way centres around three teenagers who come quickly into one another’s lives when they need a friend the most. There’s Freya, who is tipped to become mega famous down to her beautiful voice, Harun, a Muslim who is about to leave his home to find a wife and finally Nathaniel who is visiting New York for the first time. What’s interesting about these characters are that they’ve all lost something. They’re searching for their place in the world and each one of them has a battle to face. It is their developing friendship that enables them to confront the past and move forward for the future. The story takes place over 24 hours but I believe it packs a powerful punch!

I really enjoyed the characters in this story. It is a short, fast-paced read, so if you want to know all the characters deeply, then it’s not the book for you. However, I felt like I knew enough about them to root for them and want them to find their place in the world. I loved how it flipped between the past and the present for the characters. It makes the reader realise what has gone on in the character’s life.

If you’re looking for a decent, slightly deeper YA read then I would highly recommend Gayle Forman. She is a wonderful writer. It’s a powerful read that covers some very important topics.