A review by kellswitch
Billy the Kid's Old Timey Oddities by Kyle Hotz, Eric Powell


This was a lot of fun, this style of story, mixing real characters with fictional and mythical are hit or miss but this one really worked for me.

This was a fairly gross and violent comic but not graphic in an odd way, the art doing a great job of portraying the grotesque without going to far into gore, even during the violent scenes.

The characters were intriguing if not always likable, Billy the Kid especially is an uncouth lout you don't particularly like, but it fits him well.
My one compliant is that I would have liked to have gotten to know more of the 1Cfreaks 1D better but perhaps that happens in the next two stories?

It was a fast read but managed to really cram a lot of story into it's short pages without really feeling rushed or that much was missed or cut out. Overall I was very satisfied with the story and wanted to read more when I was done.