A review by kurdish_israa
Menaechmi: The Menaechmus Brothers by David Christenson, Plautus


4 stars

I’ve read this for my class and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed my time reading the play. It was really hilarious and I enjoyed my time with all the shenanigans that was going on through the book.

But of course there were parts that bothered me in regards to how women were treated at that time and I know I that they were treated like that but it doesn’t stop me from being annoyed by it.

Also, while I did have fun with the shenanigans and laughed my way through all the absurdity, I felt that the solution would have come faster IF ONE OF THE TWINS JUST KNEW SOMETHING WHEN HE WAS SPEAKING TO THE COOK!!!!! But I guess then there wouldn’t have been a play so oh well.