A review by jeanz
The Before by Emily McKay


Having already read Bk#1 & Bk#2 of The Farm I really wanted to know about "The Before" that is where and how Lily and Mel had lived before the virus and the Ticks came.

I downloaded this one free from Amazon.co.uk. The cover features the twins, Mel & Lily back to back which gives the impression they are prepared to take on the world, or rather take on the "ticks". I also love the byline for this novella "Even the dead has a beginning" it fits this book perfectly.
The virus and the Ticks suddenly appear, it's all over the news. There's nothing but the news all over every TV channel and Radio channel. Mel, & Lily's mum is usually so organised, strong and decisive but the news seems to just make her crumble.
They are running out of food, they need to make a decision what to do and if they are going anywhere they need to go soon. Mel & Lily's mum is so desperate that she even calls her ex husband , the girls father. The father that one day just upped and left them. His best suggestion is that he will send a car for them. Both the girls disagree with this and finally get their point across to their mum. The place Lily wants to go is to their Uncle Rodney's rural home. Uncle Rodney is they type of guy who will be prepared for this attack. Uncle Rodney has his own stock of food and has guns etc. Only by the time they decide to go to Uncle Rodney's, Marshall law has been declared. All teenagers are to be relocated to "Farms" to "protect" them from the Ticks. As Ticks are attracted to teenagers and their blood.
Mel is autistic and has resorted to speaking in rhymes. She disappears at one point, and is actually more "together" than people give her credit for.
The police are turning into gun toting aggressors, it's getting to the point that they will shoot anyone who disobeys what they tell them to do.
This prequel is well written and has lots packed into it. there's more background information on Mel & Lily as well as Joe Mateo, and Carter Olson. I admit to reading this after reading BK#1 & Bk#2 but I think this can be read prior to the books or after. this prequels still gives valuable and relevant information that fit in with what happens in the other books.
So did I enjoy the novella? Really enjoyed it. Great insight into the series Would I recommend the novella? Yes, its a great read either prior to reading the books of after/during reading them. Also if you are unsure as to whether you will like the books this novella is a good way to get a taster of the forthcoming plot and the authors great writing style. Would I read more of this series? I already have and want even more! Would I read other titles by this Author? Yes I intend too.