A review by old_tim
Omega Men: The End Is Here by Tom King


A couple quick things you should know up front:

This book is NOT dependent on knowledge of DC continuity/nu52 or anything of the sort. It's more or less a standalone with minimal ties to the greater universe.

It's more of a SF story than a superhero story. Yeah, there's a superhero in the story, but most of the time he's de-powered.

Tom King apparently worked with US intelligence in our many contemporary wars. This book, along with his Vision, & Sheriff of Babylon are all thematic explorations of that same experience.

This is a deeply dark and pessimistic book. It's also extremely well done. I finished it several days ago & find that it lingers in my head.

I'm normally a fan of upbeat, goofy cape books. But this is more a grim SFnal exploration of politics and rebellion. It's a thinly veiled allegory of the middle east.

Yeah, if you are interested in the medium, you need to read this book.