A review by tracybabler
Wrong in All the Right Ways by Tiffany Brownlee


Thanks to the Kid Lit Exchange for the review copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

First, I have to say that I have never read Wuthering Heights, the Emily Bronte novel this book was inspired by. Second, I am not a huge fan of brooding YA love stories. But I understand they are not written for me.

All that being said, WRONG IN ALL THE RIGHT WAYS had an interesting premise: a family fosters a teenage boy who is the same age as their daughter and the two fall in love. I sped through the pages as Dylan's addition to the family brought Emma out of her shell and changed her social life.

I didn't, however, understand the motivations of the characters, and there were inconsistencies in their thought process. For example, Emma can't wait until her family adopts Dylan because then they won't have to hide their relationship. (This made no sense.) But then when they adopt him, she realizes it will be super weird if they date.

The teenagers' anger at their parents didn't seem well founded, and the parents' reaction to the teenagers' relationship was not realistic.

Overall, it was a fast breezy read with a lot of problems (for me).