A review by the_fenharel
Oh My Goth by Gena Showalter


Oh My Goth by Gena Showalter was a fantastic book, in my opinion. It features protagonist Jade Leigh, who considers herself to be different and a "nonconformist who values individuality", Mercedes who is considered to be this perfect Barbie doll, and Clarik, who only appears after both Jade and Mercedes are placed in an alternate universe by their principal after having a fight.
In this alternate world, Jade is popular for her outfit choices, and everybody at their school dresses the same way. Mercedes, who used to be loved for what she wore, is now on the outer, trying to find her place.
What I loved was how much Jade grew as a character throughout this novel. She believes she's different from Mercedes, that she has a better heart and doesn't judge anyone, but by the end of the book she realises that not only the other students, but herself as well are extremely judgmental towards one another.
Showalter shows great character definition, and I loved reading Jade's fall from grace, as she descends into the pit of popularity and allows it to take over.
If I were someone considering whether or not to read this book, all the advice I have would be 'go for it'. You might get a nice surprise like I did!