A review by cavemanking
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley, Malcolm X


Damn. What do I even say? This was one of the most engaging and historically important autobiography’s I’ve ever read. I can almost promise you that whatever you think you know about this man will change a great deal after reading this. A deeply intelligent, flawed, controversial, and ever changing human being. This was written over the course of two years and you can see his mindset and ideas evolve constantly through self reflection in real time up until his death. Certain statements he makes in the first few chapters he will reveal to think differently of later on as time passes. Strongly encourage anyone to read this at least once in their lives. You won’t regret it one bit.

“To speculate about dying doesn't disturb me as it might some people. I never have felt that I would live to become an old man. Even before I was a Muslim-when I was a hustler in the ghetto jungle, and then a criminal in prison, it always stayed on my mind that I would die a violent death.”