A review by oatieoats
The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa


So, The Iron Knight.
We see this in Ash's point of view.
I was so excited for this book, the iron queen was awesome and we saw Meghan grow and use her powers and become a Queen and all so yeah
Ash turns into this journey to become a mortal, wise decision. With puck as a road-trip partner. I got bored many times. I think one of the things I love about this books is Meghan's awkwardness and Puck's hilarious comments.
This book made change all the feelings I had for Ash to twist them and make me hate him.
Where do I start?? Everywhere they turned there was trouble. It was a relief in some way to not have Meghan finding herself about to die and in need of help. But still there were dangers awaiting for them. This book made me love Puck even more, he is just such a sweetie, I would totally marry hum. So then Ash's beloved girl who was supposed to be more than dead is still alive AND will accompany them through this journey. So since the beginning Ash never got over her so when he saw her all his feelings got mixed up. Which I don't blame him, this dudette is alive again! Yay! But what about Meghan? You stupid bastard if you are having doubts leave this friggin quest nobody is forcing you and just elope with your dudette (I forgot her name). But NOOOOOO! HE SAYS HE FUGGIN OWES IT TO MEGHAN BECAUSE HE PROMISED HER!! Like if is the only reason he cannot be with his dudette is because of Meghan's promise. Which she already released him from. She even fuggin told him in a dream o stay with his dudette, that it was fine.
But fuggin Ash doesn't listen. I just hurt me that Puck saw Ash getting close to the dudette, Puck saw them hugging, holding hand and it was painful because BEAUTIFUL Puck would never do that Megahan. BECAUSE HE ONLY HAS EYES FOR MEGAPHAN UNLIKE BASTARD ASH.
In the end I liked dudette, which I try so hard not to. Because I was in Meghan's side and how unbearable it would've been to her to see Ash and his dudette together. But dudette was selfless and gave her friggin life for Ash. I mean, augh. I just...cant.
There was a point where I did cry, when Ash is having this vision of him aging. And it was painful right in the guts. Seeing this fearless, strong dude being deteriorated by his mortality. I think it just showed me my fear of getting old and aging and becoming weak over time. So Ash did redeemed himself in the end by choosing aging just to be with Meghan.
So this book was OK, but that's it. THAT'S IT. I still think Meghan deserves to be with Puck, but oh well.
I mean Puck did go to the end of the world for her, still knowing he wouldn't be with her. And he gladly did it without complaining AND he didn't told Megahan about Ash and dudette. If Megahan would've hear everything Puck saw, she would have second guess everything but he didn't because he knows she is happy with Ash. Stupid book.