A review by waybackwhen
Subhuman by Michael McBride

Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
DNF at 37% (over 100 pages) . Far too much Wikipedia science jargon and very little in the way of an intriguing plot. I read science books for science, not goofy novels like Subhuman (which of course can hold similar information but usually shouldn’t hold near as much as a textbook which this does for some reason). At 37% read I couldn’t tell what exactly was supposed to happen. It’s STILL building up the premise, and based off the description, the eventual “horror” or “thriller” aspect is to come but I ask: when? You should have reeled me in at over a third in and there isn’t even a preview of what’s to come so I can’t in good conscience attempt to finish a book that I am not interested in reading. Sorry.