A review by starkiwi
Tracing Shadows by Alex Lidell


I was very impressed by this book. When I first got it I did not expect it to be this god. Especially by the cover, which I really didn't like, but that can be easily overlooked. All the characters were developed nicely and I felt a certain connection to almost all of them. Except for Violet. Her story was not as exiting as Kali's. However, I felt it did give me a little more insight into the world of Tracing Shadows. I hope she doesn't have many, or any, chapters in the sequel. Thankfully she only had a few in this book. She was just a snotty character with no real purpose to the main plot of the story. It was more her job to show us the citizen side of the issues and give background to some of the things they talk about. I really liked how Kali could 'see all' with her different disguises. It was also a look into different parts of the world. I felt that really helped me to understand where I was. The beginning was kind of rocky in that area. It took a little while to get the gist of things. And that was ok with me because I like to figure that stuff out, as long as no important story line is happening that I need to focus on when I still don't know where I am. It was a real treat to read this book, and I absolutely can't wait for the next one. The ending left me hanging and I need to know what happens next. I sincerely hope that the second book is as good as the first. I can't wait two whole months!!! Oh, the suspense!!!