A review by blodeuedd
A Miracle at Macy's by Lynn Marie Hulsman


This one was very cute, it would make a really sweet holiday movie when I think of it.

First we have Charlotte, who loves staying home, cooking and just hanging with her dog Hudson. I can relate to that. I love staying in and reading (duh.) But she is missing out, like having that special someone.

Then we have Henry, who is really sweet. Ok so not always for the best reason, but yes it really is a sweetie in the end.

And Hudson, the star who we do not see a lot of. Hudson wanted an adventure of his own and finds it on his own. But this is a sweet Xmas story. So maybe Hudson meant to run away so that Charlotte understands that she should live more too. Smart dog!

There is also romance, a slow building, but yes it happens fast, but to be fare, they spend every single moment together looking for Hudson.

A sweet story!